Saturday, September 5, 2009

Problems with streams

The following problem situations can occur when using streams:
  • An attempt to write data into a outputstream fails (e.g. the disk is full)
  • An attempt to read data from an inputstream even though everything has already been read (e.g. the read operation is at the end of file)
  • Data of the wrong type is attempted to read from an inputstream (e.g. an integer is expected but the user types characters)
Noticing the problematic situations is easy with the following details:
  • All previously introduced stream operations evaluate the stream the operations is directed to ( peek() and get() without parameters are exceptions)
  • A stream used as a condition evaluates true only if the operation was successful (initialization included)
The following useful examples can be done based on these:

Connecting an inputstream to a file and reading it a line at a time:

ifstream file( "products.dat" );
if( !file )
    cerr << "open failed!" << endl;
    return ERROR; // depends on the situation
string line;
while( getline( file, line ) )
    // here work with the read data

noticing input of the incorrect type:

cout << "give number: ";
int number;
while( !(cin >> number) )
    cerr << "Invalid input, try again!" << endl;
    cin.ignore( 1000, '\n' );

The cin's own function clear() has been used to deal with the error situation above. The stream malfunctions every time an error occurs when handling data with it. Not even legal operations work any longer. Sometimes the situation can be fixed with the clear() function. Execution can (sometimes) go on normally afterward. Some errors cannot be fixed with clear() (e.g. the end of file has been met)

How to see the difference between the end of stream error and some other error situation:

while( getline( stream, line ) )
if( !stream.eof() )
    // Read failed for some other reason than
    // the end of the stream

The stream's own function eof() returns true only if an attempt has been made to read from the stream after it has already ended. Also peeking the next character in the stream with the peek() function is sometimes an useful way to deduct whether the input has been read entirely or not.

Last, an example on how to read the following input stream:

tel.number1 name1
tel.number2 name2

with the code:

int number;
string name;

while( stream >> number && getline( stream, name ) )
    // do stuff with the name and number
if( !stream.eof() )
    // invalid line in input

Reference: daniweb, dreamincode, cplusplus

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